Fairy Landscapes Trail – Work in Progress

Etching illustrating a girl looking through trees on to a clearing in front of a palatial, on which a group of small winged beings hold hands while dancing in a ring.

Since my OWT paper at the Post-medieval Archaeology Society Conference (more on that here), I’ve been creating a trail that integrates findings. As I work seasonally (largely in order to run events based on the customary calendar; but also, as weather often restricts travel), this will take a while to complete and make publicly available (probably a few years). It’ll be principally a virtual tour (in various digital formats); it should be useable ‘on-the-ground’, with the proviso that access may change over time.

I’m planning a short taster version, which will likely be more suitable for families with children than the longer, wider-ranging, trails, and may be submitted as a free festival event either independently, or through a museum or other suitable organisation. There’s an activity to accompany this, which I hope will be entertaining! I’ve not approached venues yet as outlets for the longer trail(s), through have a few ideas where this might work well.

I’ve found that preparing this trail has in itself given me a few ideas, which’ll feed into other OWT work, and is focusing my research in certain directions; and I look forward to sharing these soon!

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